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Bli med å be for Matt!

Rundt hele verden er det i dag mange som ber spesielt for denne mannen, Pastor Matt Chandler!

Grunnen er at han i dag skal fjerne en svulst i hjernen..
Kanskje du også blir med å ber?

Eg har lyttet til Matt Chandler og The Village Church i noen år, og talene hans kan virkelig anbefales!

Han har kone og tre barn, og du kan sjekke ut bloggen deres her!

Litt om det som skjer:

Pastor Matt Chandler will have surgery Friday afternoon to remove a tumor located in the frontal lobe of his brain. The surgery will be performed by Dr. David Barnett.

Dr. Barnett told Matt that he was positive about recovery but won’t know the full results until the surgery is performed. The doctor was uncertain about the malignancy of the tumor, and a biopsy will be performed as part of the surgery.

The outpouring of support and prayers from all over the world has been overwhelming to Matt and Lauren. Continue to pray and fast on behalf of the family

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